
RAritra Roy Choudhury

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I am a PhD Candidate at FLAME Lab in Department of Computational and Data Sciences , IISc . I have completed my batchelors degree in Mechanical Engineering from Seacom Skills University, Bolpur , then I did my masters in Mechanical Engineering (Thermal Engineering) from IIT Madras . My research aims at developing and utilizing highly scalable methods and solvers to perform high fidelity, massively parallel simulation of hydrogen fuel turbulent combustion. I intend to identify and exploit characteristic features of combustion dynamics using data driven methods to uncover previously unknown insights which will aid immensely to further turbulence combustion research as well as contribute in tackling climate change. I intend to investigate trapped vortex combustor in particular, where fuel can be consumed in Rich Quench Lean (RQL) configuration. I aim to study the effect of highly strained flames which has the prospect of reducing emissions and develop efficient and effective control mechanisms.